27 Fun Things to do in Pennsylvania with kids recommended by parents
Pennsylvania is the perfect place for family friendly weekend getaways. So we compiled fun things to do in Pennsylvania with kids
GoWhee’s recommendations for families that need accessible travel, from wheelchair accessible locations to places accommodating sensory processing disorders and more…
Pennsylvania is the perfect place for family friendly weekend getaways. So we compiled fun things to do in Pennsylvania with kids
Traveling with a child with a sensory processing disorder can presents its own set of challenges. But the benefits outweigh the cons especially when you have the right tools to make the experience positive.
Mapping out what families with a wheelchair user can and cannot do makes a huge difference in their planning. An app like GoWhee that has parents around the world contributing information is essential for accessible travel.
With so many water parks, resorts, and beaches, Mexico is an amazing family vacation destination. Here are 10 best family vacations in Mexico
Nicole is a coach, author of a book on ADHD parenting mindset shifts and strategies, former educator and home/virtual school parent with the gift of inattentive ADHD. She shares with us how travel has helped her family and a few tips to support families facing the challenges of traveling with sensory-sensitive children. Sensory sensitivity is often part of a diagnosis like Autism Spectrum Disorder, Sensory Processing Disorder or ADHD
The only global travel app designed for family travel, using crowd sourced data from parents around the world.
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