10 Family Valentines Day Ideas For Non-Crafty Parents


As a parents valentine’s day can either mean dinner at home or craft galore with kids. This year, take the celebrations for a spin and focus back on family with some Family Valentines Day fun.

We are leaving the traditional glue and glitter mess behind and targeting a real experience for the whole family. Here are 10 favorite ideas from the Gowhee App families:

Baby with kisses print and red petals.
Valentine's Day themed photo session. Source: Gowhee App

1. Make it a YES day.

The concept of a yes day is pretty straightforward. Everyone can pick one activity, and the whole family has to follow along.
Make sure to set guidelines like budget, distance, and time limit so everyone gets a chance to have fun.

2. Bake/Cook each other’s favorite treat.

Involve your kids in the kitchen for the day and make some heart-shaped treats for everyone.
For a mess-free cooking experience, you can choose to bring the cooking outside. If the weather allows, set all the mixing and messy part of the cooking in the yard. Don’t forget to put some extra “love” into your treats!

Fontevraud restaurant table setting
Michelin star restaurant in France with Kid's menu Source: Fontevraud instagram

3. Get Your Fine dining experience with kids

If dining out is part of the experience, know that you don’t have to miss out! There are many great fine dining restaurants that accommodate kids.

Your favorite restaurant may organize a special romantic setting for the 14th.  Skip that date and go there the next day. Make sure to look at fine dining restaurants’ brunch menus. Often even the luxury places welcome kids for brunch.

>>> Find kid-friendly fine dining restaurants near you on the Gowhee App.


4. Travel virtually to a romantic city

Organize a virtual visit to Rome or Paris. Make a day about this experience with some world schooling opportunities like this cool France virtual travel packet.
Make a family movie night about Italy with animated movies like LucaThe goal is to have fun and bring romance to your living room.

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5. Have a family photoshoot


Get everyone dressed up, find a romantic spot, and go on a valentines’ day family shoot.
After All this celebration is all about making memories and spending some quality time with one another.

Make it fun with valentine’s day props. Want something unique? Let the kids be the photographers. Have them plan everything from backdrops, location, props and let them direct the whole experience.

6. Visit a chocolate or candy store

This will probably be your kids’ favorite. But adults can have a lot of fun too. Choose a place that has fun for all ages. Some chocolate museums have “make your own bar” experiences. 

Little boy choosing ingredients to make his own chocolate bar
Make your own chocolate bar at a local chocolate museum. Source: Gowhee App

7. Go on a Heart-Shaped Treasure hunt

Everyone needs to keep track of how many heart-shaped things they see during the day. At the end of the day, organize a reward ceremony for the person who found the most.
You can make it even more interesting, by letting the winner choose what’s for dinner.

8. Organize a picnic with the whole family.

Find a local park or take the kids to your favorite scenic spot and bring along all the necessary for a picnic.
For instance, the Warf in Washington DC offers smores by the fire, drinks, and more with a romantic waterfront vibe.

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9. Have a mic-night at home

Everyone can take the stage to share a poem they wrote, a show they put together, or a song they composed. As long as it is about love, of course!
Make it even more real, put the table together like a mic-night, set up a small stage, and have proper lighting. It’s a great opportunity to give kids a complete green light on their creative spirit.

10. Read about Love

Make it fun! Go as a family to your local library or your favorite book store and let everyone choose 1 book about love. 

This is the perfect time to talk about love with a big “L” and how families come in all shapes and sizes, introduce books about LGBTQ+ families, single parenting families, and so on…

Do you like to go out on Valentine’s day, or prefer a night in? Tell us below.

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